Calculate roof decking with incredible precision with this free app. Based on the knowledge of the roof pitch and the length of one known side.
Works with any pitch or combination of pitches on 4′ x 8′ sheets of plywood. You should have at least some experience with decking roofs before going any further. There are two distinct traditional methods.
The most basic is simply to lay the decking to hang over the hip and then pop a line on it according to its position on the hip. Then saw it as carefully as possible as this can be extremely risky. The sawdust generated will collect on your walking surface and can make traction virtually zero.
The other way is to measure the length for the top and measure the length for the bottom. There is always one side that can be readily measured, but the other side has to ne determined by a straightedge of some sort.
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Roof decking calculator
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Side pitch