Building a Deck Over a Driveway

Building a deck over a driveway on a basement house with a garage door that is positioned beneath it presents some problems not associated with ordinary decks. The most obvious problem is spacing the posts far enough apart so you can drive between them. By spacing these posts further apart additional load is placed on them. […]
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Bracing the Posts on a Pole Barn

Brace the posts on a pole barn for wind resistance with steel cables, wall sheathing, or wooden X braces. This is necessary to keep the posts from swaying. Once bracing has been installed, the posts are locked into position. They need to be temporarily braced with two braces (one on each axis) to hold the […]
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Running Metal Siding on Large Building

Learn how the pros efficiently run metal siding on a big pole barn with these easy DIY instructions. Follow the crew at Scott’s Framing as they run metal siding. Metal Sides on a Pole Barn This project involves 26 gauge painted steel rolled with 5 V’s. This is the exact same steel used on roofs. […]
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Roof Pitch – How to Determine it

The pitch of a roof is determined by the slope of the rafters in relation to the horizon. This angle is measured not in degrees, but in inches of rise per foot of run. The only tools needed to determine the pitch of any roof is a ladder, a torpedo level, a speed square, and […]
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Beginners Guide for Optical Levels

Optical levels are the best tool of choice for leveling a building. Their great accuracy make them an essential tool for establishing grade on buildings and structures up to several hundred feet long. Instructions Choose a location as close as possible to where the grade will be shot. Set the tripod by mashing each leg […]
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Digging Post Holes with a Back Hoe

Digging post holes with a back hoe is a fast alternative for when the ground is simply to hard to go through by hand or with a low powered auger. Digging Post Holes with a Back Hoe The only problem with digging post holes with a back hoe is that the holes are going to […]
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Use Hardie Plank for Soffit on New Cornice

Learn how to use Hardie Plank for soffit on new cornice with this free and easy guide. Follows manufacturer’s recommended installation procedures for both vented and solid panels. The advantages for using fiber cement panels on the exterior of a house include rot resistant insect resistant already primed great aesthetics durable Check the Framing The […]
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Gable Wall Framing Detail

Learn how to stud up a gable wall safely, efficiently, and in accordance with the 2012 International Residential Code using this fail safe method. These advanced framing techniques work whether the gable is being stick framed, box framed, or prefabricated. Stud up a Gable End Wall The first step for building any gable wall is […]
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