Regulations for Ceiling Joist Spans 2018 Code

Find the maximum spans for ceiling joists according to the 2018 International Residential Code using the most common types of lumber with these simplified span tables. These span tables are for 16″ o.c. applications using southern pine. Plain ceilings are…

Floor Joist Span Tables 2018 IRC

Find out how far a 2 x 10 made from No. 2 pine or other material can span as a floor joist according to 2018 International Residential Code for living, bedroom, and storage areas. These six tables cover the most…

Insulation Codes for Ceilings 2018 IRC

Insulated Ceilings Insulated ceilings within the thermal envelope of a building and located in an area governed by the 2018 International Residential Code must satisfy certain requirements. For complete details, which may vary from location to location, click here for…

Gazebo Calculator

Calculate the gazebo lay out, the length of the sides, the length of the the center rafter, and the length of the hips. Based on the width of the gazebo and the pitch of the roof, this tool automatically returns…

Siding Calculator | Material Estimator

Calculate how many pieces of siding it will take to cover a wall or gable with this simple tool. Easy to use radio buttons and number fields. Siding Calculator Select the coverage and the length of the boards. These choices…

Joist span calculator | Floor – Ceiling

Calculate the span for floor and ceiling joist with this free and simple online calculator. The resulting spans are less than the 2012 IRC codes but they are to our standards at Scott’s Framing. The spans for joists according to the…